Enlarge Text in Early Or All

Obviously for pemblogger many ways that he traveled to for the sake of the beauty, the weight of the contents, impressions and visitors are coming, now with larger writing tricks certainly one placement if used as headings or important things, to the writing in bold. Examples of T used early writings.
Will your blog Beautiful ?........
Let's try it this way:


The trick is very simple:
  1. Sign your blog ---> Draft ---> Edit HTML --->
  2. Find the code (Ctrl + F) like this;]]> </ b: skin>
  3. Copy the code below and place it right above]]> </ b: skin>

    .RizkyGarut {
    font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana;

    Want More of the writing, could be changed to 40px in the above code as you wish, as well as color and writings,
  4. To write in her posts to use this code:
    a. If in writing perbesat all:
    <span class="RizkyGarut"> WANTS INPUT enlarge </ span>

    b. If the title above:
    <span class="RizkyGarut">O</span>


<center> <span class="RizkyGarut">EXAMPLE</span></center>

The result is:

Heart A Father
With an atmosphere like this is, I must be far apart with Wife, Children and Families.

My son Beloved!,
You must be strong, patient, steadfast and so children sholihah. Because you're different from other children. Papa and Mamah left it all for the sake of your future and forgive as much as possible is done for the sake of us all. Maybe when Papa made ​​this, you are not ideology and understanding of reading and its contents, someday when you're big and hopefully more adults will understand it all.

My son darling!.
Papa on how sinful because Allah SWT have remotely by yourself and menelantarkanmu, up until the second Papa of this writing, we still can not be together. Only by grace Allohlah everything and try to continue to run as soon as possible hopefully we can come together as people can enjoy being with her ​​family.

My son darling!.
Do not be sad and embarrassed by this situation, Papa sure behind all of Allah Almighty knows best, hope towards a better and better sustainability.
But it must think, Papa and Mama could not forever, maybe only moments from the rest of this age, be useful for you people make your hands thoroughly and to love someone, your heart the lights, your feet bring good to people, make all your body to thoat on Allah SWT .

My son Amanah Allah SWT!.
Papa and Mama sorry can not show the way / provide moral education as moral glory brought Rosululloh Majesty Muhammad, even if you ditipkan diorang through school, teaching, religious education and others, learn to be good for one day you are navigating adult life where they have got time guidance of Allah SWT / maturity.
Papa and Mama are responsible before Allah Almighty, if you're not good, how unfortunately Papa and Mama dihadapn Him. (Rizky Garut)

Congratulations !!!!, not easy work, success for all!.

Replace blogger template with other templates.

Along with many blogger, of course there are many experiences that they get in replacing a variety of templates are cool, maybe this is the umpteenth time that we try to show our best work, it is seskali often filter information from friends about the affairs of the template.

Changing the template on the new blogger is not all that much different from how to change template "in the old blogger". Differences which exist only in the increasing number of template options that can be used. Well ...., now the bloggers may be more fortunate because I have lots of options for changing the template.

4 (Four) Options Template Blogspot

1. New Blogger template or New Blogger template.
2. Template Layout or Layout Templates (Launched 2006).
3. Classic or Classic Templates Templates
4. Premium templates, newly circulated early in 2011.

New Blogger Template: This template is a template Blogger (Blogspot), which recently officially established as one of the latest templates Blogspot. This template is available in several options such as Easy Template (Simple) by Josh Peterson,? Window Image (Picture Window) by Josh Peterson, PT Cool One (Awesome Inc.) By Tina Chen, Watermark (Watermark) by Josh Peterson, Tenderness (Ethereal) by Jason Morrow and Travel (Travel) by Leezche.
Layout Templates (Templates Layout): This template is launched since 2006 and used by countless old blogspot blog, and even because of modifications in the templates is much easier and convenient when compared to New Blogger Template Layout Template will be preferred by many bloggers. Layout templates are also available in many options, including Minima (Dark Minima, Minima Blue, etc), Tic Tac Blue, Rounders, Denim, Harbor, Scribe, Thisaway, Son of Moto, Snapshot, Sand Dollar and several others.
Classic Template (Classic Template): Template first used Blogger and until recently also still be used, although there is no more bloggers that use this template as the basic design of their blog.
Premium Templates (Premium Template): Template emerging around the beginning of 2011, formed an amazing range of facilities, good looks and shades of color and the position that makes beautiful and frantic the visionaries, but sometimes difficult to unggahkan to blogger, it's one way: when we download the form file WinRar / WinZip us open and grab the xHTMLnya, and we can upload, but rarely perfect, hopefully wrote to the increasingly and increasingly berkereasi for us all.

How To Change Blogspot Template

Login: Login to Blogger (Log in to Blogger).
Enter User Name (User Name) or Email Address (Email Address).
Write Password (Password).
CLICK "Login". Wait a few moments to open a new page (dashboard page).
Dashboard (Dashboard): On this page are many links. Search and CLICK the link Design (Draft).
Design (Draft): The part that will sampeyan encounter in this page is "Page Elements" or "Page Elements". Please continue to look for the link "Edit HTML". CLICK Edit HTML link.
Edit HTML: After step replacement of the templates up here, we set the option "Template Substitute 'we will use.
New Blogger Template
Template Layout (Layout Templates).
Classic Template (Classic Template)

New Blogger Template

Edit HTML: CLICK 'Designer Template "or" Template Designer ". Wait a few moments.
Blogger Template Designer: On this page are several options "New Blogger Templates" such as "Easy Template", "Gentleness" and others. Define "Templates Substitute" which will be used to CLICK on the "Image Template" him.
Of several options "Template Substitute" It also provides a number of different forms are shown with some pictures form templates available (thumbnail below). CLICK one of these options. After a selection is done, then there will be a display form of blogs as voted sampeyan at the bottom.
Continue with CLICK "Background". If you want to use a background image, go to CLICK text box under "Background-Image" which is his right. Will appear a few choice images designated as "Background-Image" blog. CLICK on the images selected and then CLICK "Done".
Layout: There are three options for the blog layout settings. CLICK any link layout setting to adjust pattern sampeyan blog.
Body layout: Choose the pattern blog page sampeyan the form (pattern) is available. This option is related to the number of sidebar (right and left or either one) and the pattern of the widget (column) sidebar, page posting in the middle or right / left.
Footer Layout: Please select the desired number of column footers. 1 column, 2 column or 3 column. Footer located at the bottom of the blog page.
Adjust width: Serves to set the width of the blog page and the width of the sidebar (right sidebar and / or sidebar-left).
Advanced: Some settings can we do here, especially relating to the use of "font". Sampeyan can determine the color of text, links, font-family, hover, font, style, color and font-weight (bold font). Each ilihan can sampeyan see the demo by looking at changes in the display underneath the blog. If you want to add CSS code that beasal from outside, through sampeyan can add this page to CLICK "Add CSS". CSS code to copy and paste will be directly stored in the template. Sampeyan can see the results when opening the "Edit HTML".
After all the process completed as expected, CLICK "Apply to Blog" located at the "top right corner". Wait a few moments to complete applications.
CLICK "Back to Blogger" to return to the "Design (Draft) or CLICK" View Blog "to see the results form the new blog template changes.
"Done": The process of replacing the template "New Blogger Template" has been completed and you can proceed with a post or some other activity such as adding a widget or adding new functions.

Template Layout (Layout Templates)

Edit HTML: Pull page down until you see the link "Choose a Template Layout". CLICK this link.
Choose Template: Specify a template replacement with a mark on every option available, then CLICK "Save Template (SAVE Template)".
After a few moments to look notification that changes have been made with the statement reads "Your changes have been saved. View Blog".
Continue to CLICK the link provided, in accordance with the desired step further. Sampeyan can open the blog to see the results of changes you've made (Open blog / Open Blog), Doing the post with a link CLICK "Post" or maybe if you want to add new code to proceed to CLICK "Edit HTML".

Templates Classic

If sampeyan can replace the template with two of the above, it is quickly and easily can make the turn with the classic template blog. To note only that this classic template is never used as more bloggers who love the use of "Template Layout" or "New Blogger Template".

Replace with Template free

Replacement of the blog template with a lot of free templates available through the service "free template" can be done by "download or copy code" then paste in the template in sampeyan to replace the existing HTML code. Some templates also requires us to to upoload first few images (image) or CSS code and javascript is used, then an existing template can be used. Template files obtained from the "Free Download Templates", if it is a file extension. Xml, then the process of replacing the template is done through the "Edit HTML". CLICK Choose File button (below the text "Backup / Restore Template">, then CLICK its template file (stored in the PC folder) and finish up with CLICK "Upload". After a while open the blog to see the shape of a new blog after the change completed.


Every time made the turn templates with new templates, it would be nice if the template that has previously been used for the saved first (backup template) by storing the template file with extension. Xml folder in your PC so that if failure occurs then the old template that may have been coupled with a widget -The new widget is considered important to remain employed. To secure the template can be done by:

CLICK Download Full Template.
Save the template file in the PC folder.
If you want to reuse the template file has been stored in the PC folder, please CLICK Choose File and then select the file you previously saved (with extension xml), followed by new CLICK "Upload".

Writing Of Posting

Of course in the writing of posting a lot of different ways, there are the stacking of HTML, or with the existing arrangement was made so neat and interesting, certainly for the writers: Writing is one to express statements to be presented, with a neatness that the reader feels no complaints (understand what is shown) in both the abbreviation for example, so it would not hurt us to learn for all of it.

Who wants to see the beauty in your post, then you need to put up some tricks in order keligatan beautiful and interesting, because it is not just content, but to rapihan is necessary, including:

1. Neat writing Right and Left:
So before you post paired the code below:

<div align="justify"><br /> full, YOU POST FEEDBACK, AND CAN DIRECT CHECK RESULTS

2.The Nomor Composed:
This numbering trick with no write down the number, but keep a certain code to sequential exit numbers themselves, may seem somewhat surprising but can be proven, the appearance of neatness are found, for this number you can to love the code as below:
<ol><li> Posts To No. 1 </ li> Writing To No. 2 </ li> Numbers Continue To Writing </ li> </ ol>

3. In accordance with Tab Main / Upper
Tab order in accordance with sepasi above, certainly not into the bay, but again the line within their kesepasi first, then after the numbering back to the left, then we use the code below:
<div class="buka bonce"><p class="blue">
advanced text input (after numbering) </ p> </ div>

4.Agar writing from right
Could look like this vcontohnya right position and looks beautiful, especially if the usual written from right before the writing of the Arabic language is rich, ie, by applying this code in your post,

عن أمير المؤمنين أبي حفص عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه قال: سمعت رسول الله I يقول:
((إنما الأعمال بالنيات و إنما لكل امرئ ما نوى. فمن كانت هجرته إلى الله و رسوله فهجرته إلى الله و رسوله, و من كانت هجرته لدنيا يصيبها أو امرأة ينكحها فهجرته إلى ما هاجر إليه)) [رواه إماما المحدثين أبو عبد الله محمد بن إسماعيل بن إبراهيم بن المغيرة بن بردزبة البخاري و ابو الحسين مسلم بن الحجاج بن مسلم القشيري النيسابوري في صحيحيهما اللذين هما أصح الكتب المصنفة

<p style="text-align:right;">Enter the text you want to post right </ p>

Lives changed the writings left = left, center = center and right = right. This is an example to the 3 back to the left in accordance with the above, liatihat sepasi below, indented slightly left, Beautiful is not ... appropriate writing in general.
Good luck hopefully useful, success is always accompanied wherever you are, good work,

Modify Of A Blog

Here we will try to give each share for which we have modified the blog, hopefully a lot of benefits for everyone.
This is probably not how good or not better than the people who have long experience of the blog, but we would love to share what we found.
Hoping to achieve success for all!.